Hands on with the Godox MG2400Bi LED beast
Sep 30, 2023
Hands on with the Godox MG2400Bi LED beast
We’ve seen a lot of big lights coming out of lighting companies in the last few years, and right now, it seems to be Godox’s time to shine (pun intended) with the newly announced Godox Knowled MG2400Bi.
Godox had one on the stand at ICB 2023 earlier this month so while we were there, we stopped by to check out the beast for ourselves. And it is an absolute monster of a light.
Godox Knowled MG2400Bi – Big and beefy

This light is so new that there doesn’t even appear to be a product page for it on the Godox website yet. But we do have some of the details. As the name suggests, it’s a 2400W bi-colour LED light with a temperature range of 2800-6500K and a TLCI of 97.
Godox says that the MG2400Bi maintains consistent output throughout its white balance range, ensuring you don’t need to keep re-metering every time you tweak to match other lights.
A light this big needs to be somewhat rugged. The Godox Knowled MG2400Bi sports an IP54 rating. This means it’s protected against dust ingress and water splashes from any direction. So, you’ll be able to use it in more challenging environmental conditions such as rain.
Godox G Modifier Mount

It uses the Godox G modifier mount, introduced with the Godox MG1200Bi (buy here) last December. Unfortunately, your Bowens mount modifiers just aren’t going to be big enough for a light of this size and you can’t adapt them.
But, Godox has a pretty decent range of G mount modifiers available now for use with such lights. The G mount system also allows communication between the light and the modifier for things like cooling fan control and safety features.
[Related reading: The real problem with 2,400 watt LEDs]
It’s worth bearing in mind that 2400W LED lights are not going to be easy for home users to power. Even some studios may struggle. It’s right at the limits of many electrical systems, especially those running on 120v.

Price and Availability
No official release date has been set yet, although we were told that the Godox Knowled MG2400Bi would be available at the end of the year. There’s been no word on price, either, although Godox has confirmed it will come when the official announcement does.
It will be interesting to see how this is priced. The 1200W version, half the power of this one, costs $3,490. So, it won’t be a low number.
John Aldred
John Aldred is a photographer with over 20 years of experience in the portrait and commercial worlds. He is based in Scotland and has been an early adopter – and occasional beta tester – of almost every digital imaging technology in that time. As well as his creative visual work, John uses 3D printing, electronics and programming to create his own photography and filmmaking tools and consults for a number of brands across the industry.
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