Curious owl photobombing weather camera goes viral
Apr 5, 2022
Curious owl photobombing weather camera goes viral

Animals photobombing photos and videos are one of my favorite things ever. It can be more or less cute, but it’s always funny without a doubt.
Recently, a curious owl got into the center of attention after photobombing KRTV News’ weather camera. The video quickly went viral, and how could it not: it’s cute, it’s funny, and there’s an owl in it – everything you need!
KRTV published the video on Twitter on the last day of March. In the 25-second clip, you can see the curious owl checking out KRTV’s The Great Fall Eyecam.
“The KRTV Great Falls Eyecam – perched atop the U.S. Bank building downtown – is usually used to check on weather conditions in our community,” KRTV writes. “Sometimes, however, the camera catches something a bit unusual – sometimes a spider or moth, or occasionally a bird.”
I don’t know about you, but I’m totally enchanted by owls and I adore them. I think I even mentioned it somewhere on the blog before. So, not surprisingly, this video put a huge smile on my face and I hope that it did the same for you. It even reminded me a bit of “vibing cat,” they’ve got similar moves.
The owl was probably looking at the camera and wondering what it was. Or maybe it already knew, it was just trying to take a selfie.
[via Digital Camera World]
Dunja Djudjic
Dunja Djudjic is a multi-talented artist based in Novi Sad, Serbia. With 15 years of experience as a photographer, she specializes in capturing the beauty of nature, travel, and fine art. In addition to her photography, Dunja also expresses her creativity through writing, embroidery, and jewelry making.
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