DIYP Quiz: Cameras in the movies
Apr 9, 2023
DIYP Quiz: Cameras in the movies
When you start paying attention, you realize that so many movies show film and digital cameras in the frames. And if you’re a photographer who enjoys movie nights, we have a quiz just for you. Can you connect the stills from the movies they’re from?
All of these movie frames have one thing in common: they show actors holding cameras. Although it may not be directly connected to photography, it does test you for photographic memory. It’s certainly entertaining, and if you ask me – that’s what counts! :)
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What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

What movie is this?

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Dunja Djudjic
Dunja Djudjic is a multi-talented artist based in Novi Sad, Serbia. With 15 years of experience as a photographer, she specializes in capturing the beauty of nature, travel, and fine art. In addition to her photography, Dunja also expresses her creativity through writing, embroidery, and jewelry making.
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