Meaning + Adventure is bigger than Meaning or adventure
Mar 17, 2014
Meaning + Adventure is bigger than Meaning or adventure

Daniel Woods was moving from one day job to another and wan not really happy. He had it up to the point where he quite it all and became an adventure photographer. What he does is take folks about for trips out of Vegas and takes them out to have a good experience in the amazing nature in Nevada (as opposed to a night club on the strip).
Story sounds familiar, it may remind you of another creative that was bored to death in work – Benjamin Von Wong, who was a mining engineer until he decided to be a photographer full time. So it is no wonder that the two found a mutual language and collaborated in a story about Daniel’s passion and drive. With both those stories it is amazing to see where passion, courage and persistence can get you.
[Creating meaning through Adventure | Von Wong]
Udi Tirosh
Udi Tirosh is an entrepreneur, photography inventor, journalist, educator, and writer based in Israel. With over 25 years of experience in the photo-video industry, Udi has built and sold several photography-related brands. Udi has a double degree in mass media communications and computer science.
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