Tamron has made the world’s largest lens (kinda)
Dec 19, 2023
Tamron has made the world’s largest lens (kinda)

I remember being at a Focus on Imaging show (now The Photography Show) at the Birmingham NEC a few years ago and playing with the Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8 lens (buy here). What an absolute monster. It’s nothing compared to this, though.
The video below shows a giant new lens, built by Tamron, travelling through the streets on the back of a truck. Well, technically, it’s not new, it’s the Tamron 35-150mm f/2-2.8 Di III VXD (buy here). Obviously, it’s not a real lens, but it still looks mighty impressive!
[Related reading: Russian movie accused of stealing “Human Christmas Tree” photo]
The lens appears to be for some upcoming promotion or marketing campaign. Nothing has been announced yet, though. It’s likely that we will see this again as part of some new promotion at CP+ in Japan in February 2024.
At least, that’s the most probable option. If not, we’re about to see a mirrorless camera with the world’s largest sensor.
[via Sony Alpha Rumors]
John Aldred
John Aldred is a photographer with over 20 years of experience in the portrait and commercial worlds. He is based in Scotland and has been an early adopter – and occasional beta tester – of almost every digital imaging technology in that time. As well as his creative visual work, John uses 3D printing, electronics and programming to create his own photography and filmmaking tools and consults for a number of brands across the industry.
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